2017, where'd you go?
After failing to write anything in my blog after Antarctica (quarter life depression) I'm back at it! It's January 2018, and to my future self when you read this and try to remember what happened in 2017, you'll be glad I summed it all up for you in one paragraph.
2017 - You got back from Antarctica, you went back to work, you got tired of traveling for work, you left your old job (IBB) turned 25, went to the Dominican Republic for the rager (video above), went to Japan with Ajay and Vancouver with Kyle. Then you started working at HBR in the city, now your commute is 10 minutes one way rather than an 8 hour ordeal starting at 4AM on Mondays and returning at mid-night on Thursdays. You went to Switzerland, France, and Germany for Thanksgiving and the rest we can glaze over, nothing major happened.
So, here we are! It's January 24th, exactly 57 days away from leaving for the craziest adventure yet, Antarctica was nuts, but could this be crazier? We'll find out! Some of you maybe wondering, "what is the Rickshaw Run?" Before we dive into the who, what, when, let me give you some back story on how we got here today.
Two years ago, Aakash and I were at a bar (what's new) and both of us were trying to figure out what kind of trip we wanted to go on. After a few beers, I flashed back to a specific moment in 2013 while I was on Semester at Sea. We had just arrived to Kochi, India and at a bar I met three white guys driving their own rickshaw across India. I asked them every question imaginable. At this moment, I immediately brought up the Rickshaw Run and for a minute there Aakash didn't even believe that it was real.
So, what started as a drunken bar promise back in 2015 has finally, over two years later, become reality! Ajay has also been brought into the fold, the three of us are less than two months away from driving a bajaj auto rickshaw over 2500 miles from the bottom of India (Kochin) to the top (Jaisalmer).
How silly of me, this whole time you have probably been wondering “what the hell is a rickshaw?!” A rickshaw, also known as a tuk-tuk or bajaj, is a petrol-powered three-wheeled vehicular device of dubious safety used throughout Asia to transport people short distances. Key words there being “short distances.” They are not designed for or capable of driving 3,000km in two weeks without breaking down, not even brand new. Only a madman would attempt such a thing…
Engine: 2 stroke, single cylinder, forced air cooled
Power: 7 HP at 5000 rpm (equiv. 1 family dog)
Transmission: 4 forward, 1 reverse
Fuel Capacity: 8 ltr + 1.4 reserve
Top Speed: 55kmph (downhill)
Engine Size: 145.45cc
System Voltage: 12V , DC
Of course this is not good enough for The Adventurists, who also run other such epic adrenaline overloads as The Ice Run and Mongol Rally. My suspicion that they purposely purchase the most rickety of the rickshaw in order to keep things interesting has been confirmed:
On another, more serious note, it’s also for a good cause. All teams competing in the Rickshaw Run are obligated to raise a minimum of £1,000 ($1,500 USD) for local charities working within India. Together with the help of friends, readers and fellow travel bloggers, we hope to raise more than that!
Usually around 95% of the teams are able to limp across the finish line eventually, but there are always those few individuals who manage to crash their rickshaw into a temple, get kidnapped, or just plain end up having to dive out of their rickshaw as it bursts into flames on the open road and then just stand around, watching it and all their possessions burn to a crisp.
Google suggests this route (below), however, this will most likely NOT be the route we follow. The adventurists call this the "un-route". The whole point of this "race" is to go off the beaten path, to take the road less traveled and to get into some shit, meet the locals and pretty much survive like Bear Grylls.
So yeah, its no task to be taken lightly. And this is coming from the guy who has spent the last six years shrugging his shoulders when you ask him where he is going next. I don’t plan. I refuse to plan. And yet here I sit, f****** planning.
Stay tuned for the next post before we leave for Indonesia and Malaysia prior to arriving in India!
We have just designed our rickshaw, the team name and design are below. It's definitely a masterpiece, let's hope the Rembrandt's of India can make our design a reality! See below:
Team name: