Irish Kilt

This card came from the the guys mouth…

This card came from the the guys mouth…

Well Here I am in San Diego, my last domestic stop before I board the MV Explorer tomorrow! My time spent in phoenix was very fun. Visited old friends and made many new ones, thats for sure. My last few days in Arizona I decided I would visit a good friend from my past job, we went out to a bar, watched RG3 tear his knee to hell, and met some very interesting people all at the same time!

Good Times in Arizona, now on to California!

I checked into my hotel at the Embassy Suites and got settled into my room, made my last few phone calls back home and to family and friends, letting them know I was all ready to go. Shortly after, I decided to walk down the road to the Hilton Hotel (where all the SAS kids were staying) to meet all the kids I would be living with for the next 4 1/2 months! There were plans to go to a restaurant called Dick's, don't know why it's called that and maybe I don't want to know, but after a 20 minute walk and arriving at the hotel, the plan seemed to have died off.

It’s supposedly stuck on their ceiling, FOREVER!

It’s supposedly stuck on their ceiling, FOREVER!

I finally met Kayla Hauser, a fellow SAS'er that I had been talking to for a very long time trying to prepare for this voyage. Putting words to a personality is always fun and meeting her in person was great! We all had decided to go grab a bite to eat before we called it a night and officially kicked off this semester! We walked around downtown and found a restaurant called Tilted Kilt, great food along with an amazing magic show live one on one!

After we had ordered our food, we meet the restaurant magician! I can't remember his name but this guy was LEGIT! Let's just assume his name was Bob. BOSS LEVEL. Totally a blow your mind kind of guy. Of course I was the closest next to him so I was forcefully volunteered to be his guinea pig! As all magicians do card tricks (or at least most) he asked me to pick a card, I picked a card from the very bottom of the deck, a seven of diamonds! He then hands me a sharpie and asks me to write my name on the card in big letters. After I get done we place the card back on the deck and he starts shuffling like crazy. After staring at the deck for such a long time he then snaps his finger and bam, theres my card! Yeah, my mind was blown! BUT! It wasn't over…he then took the card and made it disappear, and yes I said disappear, he placed the card on a table and after he lifted his hand it was gone! He then pointed towards his lips, we gazed at his face as he slowly opened his mouth and smoke started to come out, I was thinking all sorts of things at this point, then he slowly regurgitated my card.


He made the card disappear while it was flat on a table and when it came out it was folded over 3 times into a small square. At this point I still was pretty much clueless how this all worked, and for the finale of course it had to be BIG! Bob had us pick one last card, he then made all of us sign the card, we then placed the card back on the deck. Bob's plan was to permanently stick this card to a 20 foot ceiling so that if we all ever came back our names were still going to be on that same wall. Bob had the deck rubber banded over 2-3 times and then threw the deck up towards the ceiling. Right as it hit, our card magically somehow came out from where ever it was within the deck and had in a sense glued itself to the ceiling. After a while I started worrying, feeling around my pockets to make sure my wallet, phone and watch were still where they were before!

After eating dinner, we started walking back to the Hilton, talking along the way about the adventures we would have in the next 100+ days! Unfortunately I was still another mile away at my hotel, as I began my walk a guy offered a bike peddled cab ride, how could you refuse when you were about to walk a mile in 40 degree weather? This guy had neon lights and a sound system on his little bike buggy. It was like a pimp my bicycle type of moment, if anything like that were to exist! All in all I had a great night meeting tons of new people and possibly starting out my semester with a bang!

Expect new updates when I arrive in Hawaii next week, more stories to come!

Adiós América, Hola mundo!