WOW! 2013 Already?
It surprises me that its been thirteen years since the turn of the century, it all started out being in the 3rd grade and now here I am a Junior in college! Most people start their new years out with a bang...Mine not so much. Although it was my mom's birthday on New Years day (which went very well) I was leaving for semester at sea only two days after! Time was winding down as I spent time with my family as it would be my last for a very, very LONG time. The excitement had been building since be beginning of December along with the dreadful idea of all the things that could possibly go wrong on a trip of this magnitude...
And things started to go downhill two hours into the start of my lengthy journey.
I started missing flights, weather got bad, 100 mph head wind (don't know what that means) and being stuck at O'hare International Airport! Being in Chicago has it's perks, especially if you have family, which in my case I did. I took the train into downtown which took nearly an hour after going through what may have seemed like the projects, I made it safely to my cousin's apartment! What an amazing view, right next to the John Hancock tower and a great view of the Chi-Town Skyline.
Thankfully Nina, (my cousin) had not for left rochester that evening, surprisingly we walked to her mall in less than 5 minutes and got some food. We chatted for about an hour and caught up on each other's lives before she headed out taking an overnight train to new york.
After spending a night in Chicago, I made my way back to the subway, going through some sketchy parts of town to make it back to the airport and then finally boarded my flight to phoenix!
Man was it cold when I got off the plane! Who would have thought Arizona would get cold? I decided to go shopping yesterday with a few friends at fashion square in phoenix, talk about hurting the wallet! Seeing the various types of stores compared to what we have back home may have scarred my mind. Who would have thought they started to sell cars inside the mall? This tesla to the right has pretty much turned into my dream car…which in the near future will hopefully turn into reality!
Only 3 days away from boarding the MV Explorer and starting my worldly travels, although my nerves are on edge, I am prepared to face the challenges yet to come and possibly have the best time of my life! I am looking forward to meeting lots of new friends, learning new things, and most importantly figuring out how Social Enterprise will change the world. Getting to know some of the brightest minds on earth has always been a dream of mine and in just a few days will become reality, who would have ever thought I would possibly be attending a formal dinner with Desmond Tutu? Or maybe helping multiple tech companies achieve their goals developing life changing technology such as artificial vision for the blind, or Carbon Nano-tubes that capture the carbon product from automotive or industrial exhaust and converts it into nano-tubes that can be used to build cars, space ships, buildings, laptops and mobile phones!
I am very excited to begin this chapter of my life, I am ready to expose my self to the world and see what I can do to help change it. I'll miss everyone plenty, hope a lot of you try to keep in touch! I will try to update this blog when I can or if I have something cool share since these last few posts have been pretty dull.
I will follow up with one more post until I reach Hawaii and hopefully all goes well all the way there.
Take care everyone!